You could get a HH mount that's actually sturdy and comfortable from one of their competitors (Element Technica) for $2000:

... and a similarly flimsy looking follow focus from RedRock for $775:

...and then throw in a couple hundred bucks for a cheap baseplate and some rods, and you've got the same thing, except almost $2000 less, and probably a higher quality product.
The only thing from Zacuto that interests me is their $70 Zgrip Iphone Jr:

...and only because of a little iPhone application called Artemis Director's Viewfinder, which allows the user to select a format/lens, and save pictures of the shots they lined up. This is even more useful than a traditional finder, because you can share with other people the shots you've lined up instead of having to describe them (i.e. "look through the finder here, put that pillar on your right of frame, and that bush on your left of frame, give her a little headroom, and that's basically what I was looking at")... versus just showing them a picture. Plus, you can line up and save shots on a location scout for future discussion and storyboarding. With the Artemis software + Zgrip, you can basically stop renting an optical finder. The only disadvantage is that it's obviously not as sharp, and doesn't show the depth of field of the lens, but that's a small price to pay for the collaboration potential.